What a wonderfully fascinating weekend you created. I feel privileged to have been part of it.
Arriving with the promise of snow in the air, a fairytale mansion say’s hi to me. The majestic lake and surrounding woods are bathing in a light fog adding drama to the grand scenery.
After your very warm welcome, you lead me through the pretty Chateaux, and my heart is jumping with joy at the sight of the fully decorated Christmas-tree, accompanied by the regal fireplace overviewing the lake. You gracefully overwhelm me again, offering me your own gorgeous room, when you come to the conclusion that this might be easier on my legs.
So glad you chose to bring Janneke, who was able to turn every meal into a feast, fingerlicking good quality food!
Bart, I felt at ease around you. You care about people and it shows. Big groups are not my cup of tea, but not once did I feel pressured to participate. You took the time to come find me, listen and ask what was needed to make it work for me.
That’s what drew me in. Your talent to make a connection and be present where it is needed. By letting yourself be vulnerable at times you showed everyone how powerful it can be to let our wall down. I was deeply moved to be a witness to your beautiful playful you that weekend.